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Sample Letters of Scams
Here is an example of a well-known scam:
Letter #1:
My dear love Jeff!
It was so pleasant for me to get your letters! With every your letter
I feel that we bacoming more closer and closer! Every time, when I
reading your letter, my mood become well and my heart is knocking so
strong! I miss you very much and all my thoughts last time only about
you! When I coming to Internet club and saw a letter from you, I
pleasing as a small girl. You are the unique man that can understand
me now and can support me in difficult situation! I am sure in you and
I can trust you in any case. I dreming about that time when I will be
helping you in all about house, to work and rest together, laughing
and solve common problems, because your problems will be my problems
and on the contrary. I think, it has to be so if people love each
other. I thought a lot about this all and what we have to do now. I
think, that we have to meet in person and I am ready to arrive to you
for us. How do you think about it? I dont see more best way to know
each other, I think, we cant get such result just communicating
through letters. But I am very serious about you, and about our
meeting. We did a big step for making serious and longterm relations.
I think we dont have to stop here, we have to make next serious step,
the meeting which will let us to know each other better and it let us
to continue our relations.
I received all your letter. and your letter with your phone numbers
too. I shall call you as soon as possible.
I talked to cousin what do I need to come to you, is it real or not.
She know about it because she visiting sometimes another countries.
She sayd that I need visa and air ticket only. She sayd that it’s not
a big problem to make a visa for one or two month. She advised me to
go IIVA (Irkutsk International visa agency) and to ask there about it.
So I will ask my chief to go home early tomorrow and I will go to
Irkutsk to the IIVA to ask more about it.
My sweetheart, how do you think, if I will come to you, where is the
best place for my living? At your home or at a hotel? I would like to
stay at your home, if its not a problem and if you want it. I hope my
wish to come to you to meet in person is not confuse you. Please tell
me the true.
My dear Jeff! I do not have a big salary but it’s not bad for Russia.
I saved some money for any case, but I was not sure for what. I think,
that this case is come. I dont sure if this help us for visa and
ticket both, I dont know how much does it all cost, but I hope it will
help us. Also I would like to go to cash departments of airport to
know how much tickets cost. My dear Jeff, I need some information for
this. Please write me closest airport to you and what date is better
for my visit? My love, what do you think about duration of a trip?
Please write me you opinion about this all. I shall be waiting it with
Forever yours,
Client's Response:
tat have you been trying to email me I just found out my
earthlink mailbox has been treating everybody as spam. If you have
I have not been getting your emails Sorry about that Ill try and
fix the problem on this end.
If you try to send an email, and it comes back say
that you want to be put on the senders list and click it again it
should go through. I didnt block you its just has a mind of its
Letter #2:
I am so happy to get your letter and I am so happy that we becoming
closer to each other. All night I thinking about you and about us, I
turned on few times the light to read and reread your letters. Its
very great that people can meet each other throught Internet and write
letters to each other just every day which can let them know more
about each other, to make fellings and empathies. I am so gald to meet
you in my life and I am planning to meet you in person. I am very
serious in my choice. I dont think that longterm correspondence will
help us as much as personal meeting. I dont like to speak about
financial, it does not good in Russia, I dont brought up such, and my
father teach me to consult with it only by myself, and if I ask
someone about something, it mean that I thought a lot about wheather
to do it or not. So I thought a lot about is this good or not to ask
you about help, but I hope for your understanding because I do it only
for both of us and for our happyness. My dear, during the time of our
communicating, I understood that we have feeling to each other that I
can call LOVE. Such feelings between people become not only from
nothing and from lots of thought, analyses of relations, understanding
and mutual help. With every day I am becoming surer in my choise and
in you. And I sure those if I do some mistake you will understand me
and forgive me and I can say it about myself too. Looking for our
relations I understood that only destiny of my heart is to meet you in
person. And I believe in mutual feelings.
I was at cash of airport department today asking about cost of the
tickets. I dont think that tickets can cost so much! I dont sure in
choice of date, but I asked about cheapest tickets that exists. Its
costs about 810 US dollars. So, here is information about ticket:
Depart Irkutsk (IKT)8:00 am
Arrive Tampa (TPA) 10:51 pm, 3 May
Airlines: Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines 750 / 315
Delta 1993
Connect in Moscow (SVO), New York (JFK)
Unfortunately for that moment its really big money for me. As you
know, I saved up some money, its about 120 dollars for the ticket and
all money for the visa. So I need about 690 dollars more. Its really
hard for me to find now such money by myself, it will take about half
of year more. I thought a lot about how I can get such money to make
us be together. The best idea was to sell a coin, but when I come to
pawn shop, a man there said me that maximum price is about 220
dollars, that he can give me for it. He advise me not to sell this
coin, because it costs more money that he can give me. He asked why I
need to sell it and I told him about you and about my visit. He was
surprised, and said, that I have to take this coin with me and in
America this coin can cost more then 2000 dollars depending a place of
selling. And he advised me to ask money from you. I dont know now
where I can get such money. Will you help me with it? Its really
unpleasant for me to ask you help, but I its seems I have to do it for
both of us. I will take a coin and will present it to you so you can
do what you want with it. I dont know a lots about how to send money
but if you are interested I will ask it from my cousin, she sent money
few times for my aunt from another countries. What do you think about
a date of our meeting? Which is the best? The easiest for me is to
take vacation at the next month. Please write me your opinion. I am
waiting your responce with impatience and I hope for soon meeting. I
am sure that meeting in person will be better then thouthands of
letters! And I cant wait to see you in person!
Most sweet kisses, yours
Client's Response:
Dear Tat:
Well my thoughts on the visa are
Ill let you deal with the visa on your end, so find out if you can
if after you get in U.S. and we decided to get married if we could
just go to the U.S. Embassy to get all the legal forms filled out.
Because I believe that you can do that here without having to spend
all that extra money for the other visas. I will pay for the plane
ticket for you to come to United States. I will get it on line and
have it waiting for you at the airport. does that sound OKay.
I think it will be best for us to do it that way,
because you might get over here and not like it or me, But every
body likes me. Giggle Giggle !! If I find the airfare information
Ill email it to you. Tell your father that I am very honored that
he would do that for you, but tell him not to feel obligated to do
this. If he did this the apartment would stay in your name that is
yours from your father.
And what kind of insurance would you have to get?
And what kind of medical tests? Thats crazy Ive never heard about
insurance now the medical tests I have. You look healthy to me.
Ha Ha !! What ever you decide Babe let me know so we can work
together to accomplish our goal. well Im going to look up air fares
now I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Ya and Take Care
Letter #3:
Greetings my love Jeff!
I am very glad to receive your letter and read your ideas, it is
always very pleasant for me because I feel you beside. In your last
letter I have read your desire to help me and to buy the ticket at
home, thank you for understanding and trust, I am very glad that we at
last can make something for our meeting. It very much pleases me
because I dream of our meeting most of all and I wait for this moment
most of all in my life! I think it our destiny to be together and for
me are very interesting your ideas in this occasion . I went to agency
and found out that we can make with the ticket, there to me have told
that there are two variants of registration of the visa and purchase
of the ticket: 1. you buy the ticket at yourself and I receive it here
in this case to me it will be necessary to go to Moscow and to
register this ticket in the American embassy it occupies about 3
months and trip to Moscow will cost for me about 400 dollars. Then I
give this ticket with the passport to agency for registration of the
visa, it will occupy about 4-5 weeks. 2 package deal gives agency, it
means that I buy the ticket at them and at once I pay for visa and
they start to make out all necessary documents for my trip to you.
They have contract with embassy therefore the ticket bought at them it
is not necessary to register. All official registration of papers in
agency will occupy about 3 weeks. It is the most convenient way for us
my love. But it is very interesting to me to know that you think about
it because such questions we should solve together because we a single
whole and as the future pair should discuss all. I ask you only about
one let's make it quickly because I cannot without you my patience
exhausted also I am tired from loneliness. I thank you for all that
you have made and will make for us and for that you are with me.
All yours!
Client's Response:
Dear Tat:
As I wrote you before I will take
care of the air fare all you have to do is get your visa. Don't
worry about anything else. If this was meant to be it will work out
for the both of us.
And about your coin don't even think about
selling it things will work out you just have to be patient. Just
get more information about the visas so you will know what you
Letter #4:
My sweetheart J.!
I just so happy to have such great frieand and soulmate as you! Every
night I thinking about you, sometimes I can't sleep thinking of you!
You can't imagine, how much do you mean for me! You become so close
man for me!
Today we had a greatest holiday of out town. There are lots of flags,
baloons, fireworks and shows. I was so sad, that you were not with me,
I would like to hug you or just keep your hand. That so important for
me now, that's my dream. I like such holidays. All people look very
happy, and we have some sport meets. We have a great sport centre in
our town, where I like to go to do for sport.
I went to agency today and asked about an opportunity to pay for the
ticket from the account of your credit card. But the manager has told,
that they work only with cash. I am so sorry, but credit cards are not
used in Russia much.
Today I talked with my cousin about us more and she is so happy for
us! I ask her about transferring money, she said that the best way is
to use western union system and she said, that everybody in America
know how does it works. I did not hear about this system of money
transferring and I just searched Internet for this to read something
about it. And i found this site, where anybody can get nearest bank,
which included to western union system. Here it is:
www.westernunion.com . You can visit it and look how does it works.
Unfortunately there are no banks agents in my town, but I can get it
in Irkutsk. Closest bank to road service station is:
street: Tereshkovoi 36
Irkutsk , 664034
Phone: 7-395-2432678
I was in bank and the clerk has told to me is necessary to use number
(MTCN) in transfer of money . You will receive this number at bank and
you have to give it to me. I need this code, your name, your adress and
your zip code to get money. The clerk has told that without MTCN it is
practically impossible to receive money.
Its seems all information that you need to send me money is my name
and my surname. You know my name and my sirname is: Brusova
Please let me know is this information enough for you? Please let me
I kiss you and hug you, my love!
Forever yours,
Client's Response:
Dear Tat:
Right now at this point in time I
am strapped for cash, but I can use my credit card for your plane
fare, but thats about as far as I can go. If you want you can mail
me that coin and i can sell it in the States for you then wire you
the money back. But thats entirely up to you. Im sorry I can not
help you with this problem right now. If you have any other
solutions Im open for suggestions. With Love J.
Here is another common scam. They had been writing to each other for at least a month or two.
Dear John,
i have been a member on and off for years, now and recently have been loaded with russian women asking for money,at least 3 a month for the last few months...when i say your info on scams today,i had to write you and send you the most recent...she sent a picture of her passport with flight schedules and all...i am not big on sending $ to strangers,so i stood my ground like with all the rest,never to hear from her again...i attached the last letter to you..hope other can benefit from this..Charles
hello my dear,i am glad to hear you are healthy...there are plenty of fruits and vege's here,New Jersey is know as the garden state....i know i wont be dissappointed to meet you......i am also excited...i called the airline,they said the flight info is right,but you were not scheduled on this flight......you better check with your agency because you are not on the flight as of yet...the time would be good for me to pick you up,iwill be completing a house we have been building for a while this week in area about an hour or so south of my home...i have been staying here in stead of going back and forth..it is very rural...there is nothing around me but woods....we have been working late,eating and going to bed...i will be happy to be done on thursday when you arrive..to get home...there is nothing out here...i live in area where everything is very close....i will go to the bank on thursday when i return home,but will not be around a bank or western union till thursday afternoon,i hope you will be o k till you arrive,i didnt plan on finding a western union or a bank after work,they close early i would never make it ....but i can help you once you are here...dont worry...excited to meet you in person...Charles
Charles dear hello,
it is me again and I want you to know that you can't imagine how happy I am.
I have sheldue of my flight.you can't imagine how much crazy
MOscow is.It is great fear to live here I think so!Our small town is more
friendly .
well,about our business,
I tasted my blood,such rule for foreign visitors wanting to visit your
country!Thanks God
I am in good health,
all of my tastes are all right,I only need some vitamins I think it
is the bad foods and long winters problem.I have to eat much more
fruits and vegetables.The doctor said!
well,here is all info ,I do hope we will together in a few days!
Info from agency!
Information for Elena Nekrasova.
"MoscowTour",Sergeev Ivan.3690768 Moscow,Leningradskaya street 144,office 46.
1. Sheremetyevo (SVO), Moscow, Russian Federation - Frankfurt Int'l (FRA),
Frankfurt, Germany
2. Frankfurt Int'l (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany - Philadelphia Intl (PHL),
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Time arrival 18th August, 15.50, number flight is Lufthansa LH 426
Please use our service .
Best regards. Manager Andrey Konovalov.
Honey I am so glad to see that I am almost near my goal,and our meeting wait for
I think I will call you from airport and I will wait for you there so
long as you need,I mean if you need any time to arrive in airport.
it is not problem to wait there because I know that it is the end of
my trip and I have time to improve my condition(some parfume)after
long jorney.I want you to see me in good shape!
I think everything will be all right.Rather I am sure everything will be all
My Dear, they have told in travel office that I have to show tickets
when I will visit embassy after tomorrow (august17)before my flight.People from
embassy must be sure that I am not going to stay
inlegally in your country and I have tickets with returning data.it is
very strong rule.I have some money but my flight
from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk to Moscow costed so much(about 600$)because so many
kilometrs from there to moscow.I didn't guees that tickets costs so much.
and I have to book tickets till friday ,because of my intervew .May
be you could borrow some money?I am sure I will be able to return it
back in a few weeks after my arriving I will earn some money and at first to
return all
money to you.
in Agency they have told me that you may send it to use western union system
because we have no time till my intervew,if everything will be all right I will
get this
I have about 550 US dollars yet and I think I need about 500 US
dollars from your side with all travel needs and living
here till my flight!If everything will be all right between us I can stay with
you longer than three months,maximum I can stay about 6 months for
first time! We should change only the date of my returning flight.
Or I can return earlier if something is wrong!
you may send it to any bank of Moscow.I have been to the bank to try to learn
and they tell me that it is very easy they tell so,I am not sure I know all
well,but they tell it
is not a problem to do. They gave their address- BANK OF MOSCOW
Tel: (7 ) (095 ) 2122
you will send me transfer info and I will get cash.
Kiss you many times ,I am tired today,you know it is hard enough to be
in foreign city. So many different emotions .
Kiss you many times!Elena!
see you soon!
My(you know I live in flat of my friends) address here
is Russia,Moscow ,Pushkina sreet,build 67 flat 104.
(right writting in English) Elena Nekrasova!
I am sorry to send so dry letter but it seems to me I am like any drunker
I have lost my mind and my head works so badly,see you tomorrow.I am sorry to
make so
many problems for you I only hope that you will be not disappoined to meet me.
you a copy of my passport I want you to be sure that I am on the way
to you!
He is another example of a con and scam that was sent to us. This person also sent photos of the girl and her passport but we declined to publish them as we cannot verify that the photos are of the girl and are not just stolen photos.
a message dated 7/20/2009 9:21:37 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Ekaterina writes:
Hi ! Thank's a lot for your answer!
I'm not sure what could I write for the first time, I'm sending my
I have many photos, Let me know and I can send more pics!
I wish to leave and work in USA or in Europe or ANY nice country.
I'm looking forward to visiting your beautiful country and I would
like to find a man over there who will be interested in meeting me!
I'm looking for a friend, lover or maybe even something serious...
I'm a free bird now, I don't have a boyfriend and I'm open to
anything!!! Pls send me your different photos and write me about
I would like to have a serious relationship although I don't know
that's possible in internet so I'm looking just for a good man who
show me over there and....... we will see!!!!!!!! I hope you like my
I`m 25 years old, I hope my age is ok for you?? I'm not tall. My
May I hope that you will write me back? I want it very much!
I hope I'm your type of girl, I'm not sure you like Slavic
appearance!! I hope so!
OK, I will wait for your answer. When I hear back from you I will
write more things about myself and send more pics!
Ekaterina (this is my real name)
PS: This is my personal e-mail adress so pls answer me here ok?
You won't have any problem in this country, you look great would
speaking with you Thanks Phil
In a message dated 7/21/2009 1:13:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Ekaterina writes:
Hello Phil!!! Its Ekaterina writing to you! I decided to send you more
info about me.
It is my first time I try to correspondence with man in internet
I do hope you will be enough patient to understand my writing.
I want you to know that I have only good intentions and I don`t have
I Carefully trace a situation in the World - both the most bad
of economy and unemployment at us - in Russia.
And I do not see an opportunity to develop self and earn here. Damn
I wish to leave and work in USA or in Europe or ANY nice country.
The thing is that I will work abroad for three months or so and I
like to meet a nice man to
be my guide or just be good friend to spend time with.I think that it
enough to live in foreign town
without friends and also I have never been abroad. I am from so small
in Russia,I am afraid to be lost.
I want to see real life and it is impossible to see without
person who knows all sides of the life. It doesn`t matter what age is
or what
is his eyes
color, I just want to know that he is kind and open-hearted inside.
I don't want to live in Russia because I have not any chances here,it
is hardly possible to explain it by the first time but I want you to
my plans.
In Russia many young girls also want to start a new life abroad, so
of them
used a special program "Work and travel" for young people who wants
work abroad.
I also decided to do so and to use it. This program just helps to
documents and gives
suitable work in your area. I already started to register
documents and now I need to decide in which city I want to work.
I`m 25 years old and I`m not afraid of work (I will work as a dance
You know, I`m a professional dancer, I dance in group on festivals,
celebrations etc.
But when I will arrive (I will travel alone) I will work as a dance
(instructor), I have an international certificate.
I think it is the right way for me, I am lost here, and I think that
pretty enough to find a better place.
I never been abroad so I decided to find a friend abroad and make his
to be
my destination.
I want to repeat the same way,it is my only chance to change my life..
of plans and different dreams.
My hair is Fair-haired color and I have brown eyes. I think I look
good, but
first of all I want to be beautiful inside.
I do hope that you will be not disappointed to meet me in the real
if we will meet.
Well,I will close this letter and I do hope to get your reply.
I will leave my town in a few days or so (I can't tell you everything
right now) and I would like to
be sure that I have a man who waits for me there. I will work all day
would like to find a
man to spend all free time together to get to know each other better.
if you have any interest to meet me I will be more than happy to
My be it sounds silly but I just don't want to be alone in the
evenings,and I
want to be sure
in advance that somebody waits for me!
I think that my e-mail starts to be too long so I will tell you all
about me and my life
that you would like to know in next e-mails! Today I send you more
You know, my sister likes to make my photos, because she thinks that
look very good on it!
I hope we will like each other and will be able to meet!
For me the age is not important. The main thing of feeling, an idea
internal the world of the person.
With best regards Ekaterina
Please, send me your photos ))) I Like it.
In a message dated 7/22/2009 4:39:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Ekaterina writes:
Hello Phil!!! Its me!
I was so happy when I saw your e-mail in my mail box.
Now I know that you are interested in me and I hope we will be able to
meet soon
when I will come to your area. I think I should write you more things
about me, I
hope it will be interesting for you to know me better!
First of all my full name in Janichkina Ekaterina. I`m 25 years old,
My birthday is March , 8, 1984.
I'm 168 cm tall (5.5.) and 51 kg weight. I know exactly my
it's OK and my body
is proportionate )) I take care of my body, for truth its very easy
for me, because I my work - is to dance, so it helps me to keep feet!!!
As for my family - I live with my mother and my brother. My mother is
48 years old, I love her very much, she works as a hairdresser in
(I have a sister, it name is Kristina, it is already married and she
lives with her husband.)
I also have a younger brother, he is 15 years old, his name is Pavel.
My father was a great person, he was courageous and brave. He is an
man for me.
My father died 3 years ago in auto crash... My mum cried for several
months but now she is ok, she will never meet another man, because my
father was only man in her life and now her aim in life is to grow up
For truth it was my mums idea to to go to work to another country.
She loves me very much and she thinks that its impossible to earn good
money in russia working as a dancer or dance instructor. She read many
about girls who found their happiness abroad and now she wants me to do
the same.
As I wrote you I live in Russia, a name of my city is Uyar it is
Krasnoyarsky Krai.
It will be great if you will also tell me some interesting facts about
your city.
And pls tell me if you have an International Airport in your city and
write me its name and code or just tell me in what city is the nearest
I don`t remeber if I told you or not but I finished Institute here in
Krasnoyarsk, I learned enlgish there. I don`t use any translators and I
speak on english as good as I write on it. I also attended courses of
dance and aerobic instructor, so I have a diploma that will allow me to
work abroad.
I write you my emails from Internet cafe, I don't have my own computer.
I suppose in few days I will fly to Moscow and start my trip! Today I
tell my mother about you,
I'm sure she will be happy that someone is waiting for me over there!
There is no any messenger in this Cafe so we can only keep emailing
each other. I hope you are not getting bored to read my emails?
My address here is Russia, Uyar,Krasnyh partisan 53-12.
So now you have a representation of who I am....
I just can tell you that I enjoy life and I try to live to the
fullest, I like to try new things. I'm not that smart.. I was not that
good in mathematics, physics, biology and so on! I don't like to be
smart! But I'm very tender, caring, artistic, faithful, decent person.
Sometimes I can be not well organized, I think everybody had it's own
minuses and pluses.
I don't look any special qualities in a man. I just hope he will be
faithful to me and ready to create a happy family with me and I will
do everything to make him happy. I'm looking for a soulmate!
If you are serious I think the airport code is TYS. Phil
In a message dated 7/24/2009 10:22:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Ekaterina writes:
Hello Phil! It's good to write you again! I think I'm a lucky girl to meet
such good
man as you in Internet! I hope I will be lucky enough to meet you in the
life soon!
Yesterday I told my mum about you. She said that now she doesn`t
worry about me as before because now she knows you are a kind man
and can help me if I will need your help. You can show me your city and
tell me about the life over there!
I think I didn't write you I like cooking. I will cook Russian
cuisine for you! Pelmeni, vareniki, blini, borsch, okroshka! You will
like it! Besides Russian cuisine I like Italian and Mexican. I love
spaghetti and pizzza!!!!! mmmmmmm ! I can't live without it! I like
Mexican food because it's very spicy, although I don't cook Mexican
dishes too often. I've been told my cooking is very tasty!
I like to cook cakes. My favorite is cheese-cake with raspberry! You
know... when I talk about food I'm getting hungry ))) I eat everything
and I'm not on any diets but usually I don't eat after 7 pm. This
helps me not to be fat!
I can cook many tasty things for you when we will meet! You know.. almost
all Russian men are like bears! They are so rude, they can't be nice
and polite, they don't want to have a family. I think you are not like
I like to go to the cinema! I really like to watch a good movie with
my friends. 50 percents of movies in our cinemas are Russian and about 50
American. Actually my favorite actor is Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig and Mel
and I like all movies with them. I've watched James Bond(Casino
Royale, Quantum of solace) some time ago!
And film "What Women Want". Have you seen it?
Could you recommend me any movie so I can watch it?
What is your favorite movie and actor?
Soooooooooooooooo......... what else could I say?
I haven't a driver's licence but I like drive a car.
I don`t like only cinema! I like theatre and opera too, I like ballet.
Unfortunately there is only one small theatre in my city and there is
nothing interesting. If I want to go to ballet, for example, I should
go to nearest big city, there sometimes can come famous Russian actors and
dancers but I can't go there often because it's quite expensive.
For truth I want you to know small things about my life, because it
will show you who I am. I think that when we will arrive we could
spend a great time together!
I don`t know exact date of my arrival
Ok, I think I will finish my e-mail for today, because its
rather late
here and I should go home to cook for my mum and brother!
I`m sending more photos! Tell me what do you think about it?
Love and kisses!
I hope I'm the one for you!
Kate As always beautiful photos I hope you do come here I also have a lot
of questions about your country. Brad Pitt huh yea most women here like
him alot. I am somewhat in a similar situation with a new location I moved
here not knowing anyone and am still finding my way around so hopefully we
can learn the area together. I have made a few friends my neighbors are
good people as I told you earlier one lady is Russian and 40 years old she is
a pretty lady and full of laughs you sound similar. Knoxville has many
cinemas and I am sure they have cultural events that include Russian dance and
ballet. Can't imagine me at a ballet but who knows.
Stay in touch.
From: Ekaterina
Sent: 7/26/2009 3:21:02 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: my step to new life
Hi darling Phil! How are you? Me is ok!!! I`m just reterned from my work.
I was dancing on opening a cafe here. It was my last day at work,
everybody in my dance group told me so many warm words and wished me
luck in my trip! I told them about you and everybody said they will
cross one's fingers you are a good man and we will like each other! We
had some fun today and it was my last working day... but now I feel
myself so sad... I will miss my work and girls from my work... I
almost cry now... anyway I don't want to make any steps back and I
want to continue my arrangements.
I have some good news for you! After sending this email I will go home, take my
packed bags and go to Krasnoyarsk! It is a nearest big city and
there is an airport. From there I will fly to Moscow! I`m really afraid to
fly on a plane! I hope my plane will not fall down! I'm really afraid!
It is several hours from Krasnoyarsk to Moscow.
When I come to Moscow and settle down I will write you an email. I
hope tomorrow I will be able to write you. Please don't worry about me
if you don't hear from me tomorrow, that will mean I was not able to
find a place to stay and I will write you the nest day.
In Moscow I will spend a week or maybe even more, I should make all
final arrangements with my documents and after it I will come to you!
I've never been to Moscow before and I'm so nervous now... I've never
went somewhere alone and now I should go alone to such big city!
You know... I had such great desire to start my trip already.. and now
I feel myself like a newborn kitten who has even didn't open it's
eyes... I just want to hug my mommy and don't want to go anywhere...
but I know that's my dream to start a new life and I will try to turn
in to reality! Soon you will hear some news from me from
Love and kisses!
I hope I'm the one for you!
Hi Kate I read your email this morning, thanks for sending it. I want you
to be careful very careful on your trip I sure do not want anything to
happen to you. Keep me posted on your decisions/plans You are making a long
journey and you should be a little afraid. You look great in yellow by the
way I enjoyed your pictures. I thought you told me once you had brown
eyes I see pretty blue eyes doesn't matter still beautiful. Looking forward
to seeing you should you decide to come to the area. Please Take Care and
keep in touch.
From: Ekaterina
Sent: 7/27/2009 3:15:43 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: first day in moscow
Hello my sweet Phil!!! How are you? Today I had a wonderful dream, that we
finally meet, I feel myself like the happiest girl in the world!!!
In Moscow its rather hot weather for July.
You know, I feel myself so alone here, Everyone rush somewhere and I don`t
know anybody here. Today I was in a travel agency, all my documents are ready.
They will check a possible flight to your airport.
They will give me all information (date and time of my arrival, terminal
tomorrow I think.
Next few days I will continue to see moscow, like a tourist. In Moscow there are
so many different museums!
I will go to The State Tretyakov Gallery (The National Museum of Russian Fine
Art).It is not far from the Kremlin, there should be a lot of tourists from all
over the world. I read about this gallery before, its collection contains
near 130 000 works of painting, sculpture and graphics. It should be really
I try to learn as much information about your
country and living there as I can. I find some information in internet
and read it. Today I was reading about your traditions and holidays.
I like to read about your holidays and traditions, it's very interesting.
When my country was called Soviet Union (USSR) nobody celebrated it
and nobody knew about this holiday. Russia was almost closed country
and the people here didn't know much about traditions all over the world.
And in 1991 happened "Perestroyka" (I don't know how it sounds in
English) and my county became Russian Federation and here appeared the
first Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev. Russia became not
closed country any more and people began to learn about everything in
the world...
Sorry if my English is broken, it's hard for me to speak about historic
things in English, my English is very simple but I can talk it
fluently. It's not easy for me to read historic and philosophy books.
I hope you didn't find my email boring.
I wish we could celebrate some holiday together!
I bought few pieces of souvenirs for you, all day I was looking for
Moscow sightseeings and souvenir shops. I'm sure you will like them!
Sorry can't buy many. By the way, I took my family album with me so
when we will meet - I will show you all my family!
Ok, I send you a thousand kisses and will wait for your
I have been a fortunate guy in my life have had some bad things happen but
I have learned from them as you should. I have always been around some
very attractive women your pictures just amaze me you seem so sweet and
sincere believe me I hope you are as you write Women in this country are not
exactly what I call sincere in there thoughts and plans. That is what
intrigues me about you if you do have something you are not proud of leave it
there as you said starting new that means to me starting all over again. I do
not usually get excited about things but I am about meeting you.
From: Ekaterina
Sent: 7/27/2009 12:16:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: In Russia with LOVE
My darling Phil!!! I'm so excited to write you again!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in Moscow! You can't imagine how happy I am because I already started my trip to you!
I still cannot believe I've done it! WoW! As I wrote you I was scared
to fly on the plane but everything was OK and I'm still alive ))))
Moscow is a really big city! I've been told the population of Moscow
is about 10 million of people! From the Airport I went by bus... it
was so long way... about 1 hour and 30 minutes. I've seen so many nice
places in Moscow while going by bus!
When I got off the plane in the Moscow Airport policeman asked me about
passport and he looked at me like I am an enemy )))
I think all people here are a little crazy because of terrorism.
Everything here is very expensive, not like in my city... and
everywhere are big crowds of people! Everywhere is so many people! I feel
uncomfortable because of it but I hope I will be OK soon.
I found a place to stay, I rent a room from an old woman. She is about
70 years old. She said her husband died 2 years ago and she
doesn`t have money to live, so she give in rent rooms in her apartment.
She is very nice woman. She said I have to be very careful.
You know... she said many girls from small cities come to big cities, they are looking for a
better future and fortune but because they are from small cities they
can`t imagine that their way to find the happiness can be not so easy as they
thought... and some of them can end up as prostitutes or something
like that. She said I should be careful when I will meet you!! But I don't
worry about you! I feel with all my heart you are really nice man!
Sorry I wrote you about my worries.. I have nobody to write about it.
My mother is worried enough about me and I don't want
to make her to worry more. I think that's really good I've met you! I
can write you about everything.
By, the way, one thing else about my trip. Agency will help me to rent a room
to stay near my future work in your area. I will share this room with a few
girls yet, it is usual procedure and it helps to pay the rent (it will be cheaper).And I
have a question,is it normal if we will like each other may be it is possible to live together?of course if you
or somebody doesn't mind. Do you have a big wide bed?(joke). Anyway, it is ok
for me to rent a room, don`t worry!!!
As you know I will stay there for three months but If I will like there I will
be able to prolong my trip. I will arrive by Work visa, so I won`t have
any problems with law while I will be working.
I think I will be able to improve my english and you can learn Russian and I
think it will help us to learn each other better,who knows.
I miss my family... but I'm getting better with every hour ))
Now I'm very hungry and I will go and eat something.
I`m sending for you some photos of moscow that I found in internet.
I hope everything will be fine.
please write me as soon as possible!
See you soon!
Great kiss from moscow!!
Kate If you have problems with Knoxville Airport there are others let me
know if you need my help.
From: Ekaterina
Sent: 7/28/2009 2:16:40 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Flight
TRAVEL INFO : Janichkina Ekaterina
© Travel Agency "Work&Travel"
TRAVEL INFO : Janichkina Ekaterina - private tour.(work visa)
Travel dates for: Ms. Janichkina Ekaterina
Please label the inside and outside of each piece of baggage to
be checked in with your name and where possible your address.
Suitable baggage labels and
stickers are available free of charge. In advance of your journey.
please note the current free baggage allowance included in your
ticket price. You can find this information in the internet or via
your Airline contact
person. In case you booked a special fare please note that it can
be subject to restrictions. Travel Abroad: When preparing to travel
abroad for less than 5 months,
it is important to ensure entry to another country . Depending on
the country to be visited and the student's nationality, it may be
necessary to apply for a
visitor visa.The student must have: a valid passport or travel document, valid
visa .
Furthermore, page 4 must be signed by the RO. No special
permission is needed, but it is important to have a valid
passport,valid visa and all travel documents.
Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind regards."Work&Travel" is a licensed and
officially registered travel agency.
Travel agency "Work&Travel".
Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual travelers.
Please use our service . Managers: Ms. Fokina N.
The nearest possible flight is - 31 July 2009. From Moscow
Sheremetyevo Inter Airport to Knoxville.
Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD 1490.00+
This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not
purchased until 30 July 2009
Hey my love Phil,I have got all the info and resend to you,
you see I am after visit to consulate and agency and I am so happy to say that
we will meet in a few days!!!!
I am really lucky girl to meet you. Honey the thing is that I booked nearest possible
flight .I need only your help.
there is only a small problem but I am sure we will be able to solve.I wanted to
ask you to help me to pay for tickets but they tell that
I can't use your help or ask you about sending me tickets because I have
permission to use the help of agency only because they do all travel things and it is their
business to arrange all travel things for my jorney,it is the law.and it is not
possible to get work visa without help of agency,too strong laws.
I was sure that my mom will help me becasue she promised but now she sent letter
that it is possible only in a few months or so because of
family problems.and she can't send transfer now.I was in the bank to try to ask
them about loan but they tell I have to have something to stay them
and I have nothing to stay because I have only a few
dress and things,some perfume and it is all I have,and small gift for you from
russia with love.and I think it is not great problem for you
to help me.I even think that maybe it will give you the pleasure to help me because you are my knight,rught?
after all payments here and travel by plane I have about 400$ my own money and
I need about 1090$ from your side,because I have to pay for ticket and a
few thigs yet,and I have to pay in advance about 1490$ and if the tickets will
cost less i will get some money back. when we meet
I will return this sum and some extra money because to send thransfer costs
money too.I have to be sure that I will be able to book it or I will lose all the money I gave them
in advance.I'm not going to ask one more time for your
help,you see I am in hard situation.I will be waiting for your answer .I know it
sounds like I am pooroutsider but you see I have not
time or somebody to ask about help,you know my mom gave me all that we with mom
could collect for my travel.I hate to ask but now I don't have any other choice.you saw all my body and I believe you I have
done almost all here and now I need some help from you,please help me to leave Moscow and
it is all I ask now and you know I am full of the love to share with you. Kiss
you, counting days and minutes before our meeting.you know it is only money ,and I think that
it is not too hard for you to help me ,you see I have such chance only once in
my life.I know you are kind man and I do hope you will be able to help me.I promise I will return all the money .and I will earn money
because I am ready to work as hard as possible!
Million Kisses, Your poor Ekaterina you know my rent address here is Russia, Moscow,Mironovskaja st. 24/2 - 8, zip 105058
Remember that my full name is Janichkina Ekaterina (last and first name)it is right writting in English, and you should put it on
western union list and you can choice any bank in Moscow,they tell it is
international service and I can get money in any bank of Moscow. they tell I can get western union transfer or money
gramm because I have not any bank accounts in Moscow and I have only passport and it is enough to get it!
P.S. I am not sure I should tell this but I want to let you
know that if you don't like me I will not bother you and it is only your choice to spend time with me I
know you may be too busy,and in any case I will return money back .you know I
will have rent room ,job and I
want to say that you don't worry that I want to use you just for my goals.and I
am sure that when we meet we will not regret about
it,promise,and I hate people who imagined so many silly rules and laws.and I
have only small suitcase with me.and I dream about our first
meeting,our first night and I have some sexy night dress with me! and I think that now
everything depends on you my hope and I will check my mail all day and all night
because i can't sleep if I
am not sure that everything is all right and you can help,please dear don't leave me alone i have done so much
and I am almost near you.
and I can stay more than six months,I can stay longer it is possible if we fall
in love and going to marry.But I think we need time to learn each other.
and as soon as I got transfer ,they tell in the bank you should send me transfer
number and I will be able to get transfer then,
I will send exact schedule and number of the flight and terminal number and time
of my arriving to your airport.
From: Ekaterina
Sent: 7/29/2009 11:35:07 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: (no subject)
My dear Phil!
My words about love is not only words, this condition of my soul and heart.
I am afraid of deceits in a life.
Me already deceived in various situations in my life.
And consequently I do not know to whom it is possible to trust.
I trust you the life and my love.
All now depends on our love and your confidence in itself.
I in you trust and I pray for a fast meeting with you, my dear.
From: Ekaterina
Sent: 7/30/2009 2:24:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: not game
My Phil!!!
It not game
I write only to you
You one for me and I hope that I one for you
Or not?
Time for game is not present. All is serious.
We shall be together or not?
All in your hands.
I wait for yours the answer
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